Public Relations Committee Purpose & Responsibilities
The Public Relations Committee of Iranian Medical Library & Information Science Association works to establish effective and targeted communication with specialists, professors, students, and other groups related to the field of health and health. The activity of this committee deals with creating understanding relationships with stakeholders and publishing topics, materials, and news related to the profession and the association.
- Updating the website, and other communication media of the Iranian Medical Library and Information Society
- Encouraging and attracting students, faculty members, librarians, and interested educational and research centers and organizations to become members of the Medical Library and Information Association.
- Communicating with members and providing timely and appropriate news of the Library and Medical Information Association
- Drafting the written policy of the association, preparing brochures for introduction to other associations and organizations, preparing photo and video archives of association activities, and drafting memorandums, agreements, and contracts.
- Preparing and compiling news, statements, responses, and announcements and sending and tracking its reflection in different media
- Cooperation in holding conferences, seminars, festivals, interviews, and visits
- Follow-up of electronic and printed content of public relations such as brochures, magazines, various types of compact plates, etc.
- Monitoring the news published in the media and preparing an electronic bulletin and sending it to contacts inside and outside the organization
- setting up side programs for members; Holding meetings, brainstorming, memorializing veterans, and setting up educational and technical programs for librarians and health professionals;
- Communication with educational groups, professors and faculty members, and specialized board of librarianship and medical information, acceptance of membership of natural and legal persons, and membership in national and international forums.
- Preparation of admission form and membership card to present to the board of directors of the association
- Identifying librarians and informants with membership requirements, proposing changes in the amount of members’ membership fees to the board of directors
- Identifying and introducing people as honorary members to the association’s board of directors
- Following up and summarizing the performance report of the committees and presenting it to the association’s board of directors for information in the association’s media
- Planning to get the top ranking of the website as well as compiling the documents of various committees according to the accreditation of the associations
- Providing quarterly and annual performance reports by the operational plan
- Cooperation with other specialized committees of the association in the implementation of processes related to the goals and duties of the public relations committee